Four Misunderstood Facts About Sleep

Four Misunderstood Facts About Sleep

Everyone needs sleep. As much as internet gurus and self-help motivators want you to believe you can be more productive with less sleep, the truth is, your body needs quality rest for at least seven to nine hours each night. Don’t believe it? Check out these four misunderstood facts about sleep to see for yourself.

Myth: Adults Need Less Sleep Than Kids

You probably heard at some point in your childhood that it’s best to get eight to nine hours of sleep each night. As you got older, you may have begun to think that only children need this much sleep to help their developing bodies rest and recover. However, don’t believe the myth that only children need eight hours of sleep. Adults should also get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night to give their bodies proper rest.

Myth: Tossing and Turning Indicates Bad Sleep

Some people can lie still during the night and wake up feeling refreshed, but it’s perfectly normal to move around while you sleep, too. In fact, muscle movements are common signs that your body is within a normal sleep pattern. Keep in mind there are still certain movements to know. If your body develops chronic, abnormal, aggressive, or awakening movements throughout the night, you may need to consult a doctor, as these could signify a sleep disorder.

Myth: It’s Okay To Sleep Anytime, Anywhere

Some people can sleep anytime, anywhere. This sounds like a cool trick, but be aware this isn’t as pleasant as it seems. Many people believe that the ability to fall asleep anywhere means they’re good sleepers. However, excessive daytime sleepiness is a typical symptom of insomnia or sleep apnea, and the ability to fall asleep in any situation may also indicate narcolepsy. Talk to a doctor or sleep specialist about this misunderstood fact about sleep if you’re concerned.

Myth: Using Electronics Helps You Relax Before Bed

Everyone’s guilty of checking their phones or watching a little TV before bed. Sometimes there’s no better way to unwind after a long day. However, using electronic devices before bed is a great way to sabotage your circadian rhythm. That’s because electronics emit blue light, which has negative effects on sleep and sleep health. Instead, read a book or meditate as an efficient way to relax your mind without staring at an electronic device.

Of course, if you’re in the market for a discount mattress in Raleigh, NC, call Super Mattress Store. We have every type of mattress you need to promote a quality night’s sleep. With low monthly payment plans and zero credit needed, we believe everyone should have a mattress when they need it. Call now for more information. Otherwise, order your next mattress from Super Mattress Store today!


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