3 Feel-Good Alternatives To Throwing Away an Old Mattress

Eventually, you need to get rid of old things before they turn into clutter. Dishes, magazines, games, and other smaller items easily accumulate around the house. Piles of larger items such as mattresses can become safety hazards if you’re not careful. Before this becomes an issue, consider these three feel-good alternatives to throwing away an old mattress.

Donate It

Donations always make you feel good. When you’re struggling to get rid of an old mattress, the best places to donate it are a homeless shelter, a disaster-relief organization, or a pet rescue. These places need mattresses all the time. Reach out to local charities. Even if you no longer need your mattress, there’s a person or animal who does.

Recycle or Repurpose It

Another option is to recycle it. Today, countless mattresses end up in landfills across the nation despite the fact they’re made up of over 75 percent recyclable materials. Some recycling centers will not take them due to the conditions mattresses go through. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look. Check with local recycling centers and ask if they accept worn-out or used mattresses. Otherwise, consider repurposing it yourself. You can easily find many uses for the foam center, cotton insulation, steel springs, or wooden frames. Use these materials as crafting supplies or sell them as scrap. Either way, don’t simply toss the mattress when you’re done with it. Even in its last days, it can still save you some dollars.


The last feel-good alternative to throwing away an old mattress is to compost it. Old mattresses serve as great composting piles. The wooden frames, cotton stuffing, and fabric compost well, which is beneficial to plants and gardens. The steel coils make for unique trellises. Composting is a great way to live a sustainable lifestyle in addition to recycling or repurposing old materials.

After you’ve donated, recycled, repurposed, or composted your old mattress, it’s time to purchase a new one. You won’t have to overspend to get a good night’s sleep! Super Mattress Store is the perfect place to buy discount mattresses in Charlotte, NC. Whether you want a king, queen, full, or twin, we have it! Come to Super Mattress Store for your next mattress today.


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