The Top 6 Mattress Accessories That Everyone Needs

The Top 6 Mattress Accessories That Everyone Needs

Everyone deserves a good night’s rest. Part of that depends on your mattress. You should never wake up with pains or aches from the wrong bedding, and if you do, you need to consider an alternative. Whether it’s the mattress itself or something else, consider buying a mattress accessory to help. Here are the top six mattress accessories that everyone needs to get a quality night’s sleep every night.

Mattress Topper

Mattress toppers are an essential accessory for your bedroom. Ultimately, these are mattress-width pads that unroll over the top of the mattress. They lie under the sheet. Instead of sleeping directly over the mattress, you sleep on top of the pad or topper. Many people opt for a mattress pad or topper because it offers more comfort and a sounder sleep. If you’re in between firmness levels, a mattress pad can be just the trick to get the perfect feel. Some people don’t like the feel of lying directly on top of the mattress. Others believe a mattress is strictly to add a layer of comfort for your sleep but want an additional layer for more warmth. Either way, a mattress pad or topper is a great accessory for those reasons. They’re affordable and you can find a plethora of them to fit your mattress depending on its style and size.

Mattress Protector

A mattress protector is another important accessory. Also known as mattress covers, these secure your mattress from excess moisture, bed bugs, grime, dirt, and spills or stains. Unlike a top sheet which is designed for comfort and aesthetic, mattress protectors actually protect the mattress. It saves you much time from further cleaning, too. While you shouldn’t eat or drink on your bed, as spills can ruin the mattress and attract pests, a mattress protector ensures a layer of moisture-resistance and stain-resistance. Many mattress protectors are also hypoallergenic. If you suffer from allergies to dust, seasonal changes, or even certain bedding materials, mattress protectors are a great way to reduce or even avoid an allergic response. With that said, mattress protectors are a must-have. Given their durability, mattress covers save you time, money, and energy from cleaning and maintenance. Rather than washing the entire mattress, you only need to wash the protector to maintain its condition.

Bed Frame

Bed frames are a unique item. For many people, bed frames offer an elegant, sophisticated look to the bedroom. More so, bed frames provide structural support for the mattress to protect its shape and quality. Consider a bedframe that provides the best support and aesthetic for your room. When selecting a bed frame, choose one for functionality. Don’t choose one that’s too high or too short. You should climb in and out of bed with ease, so choose a bed frame respective of your height. If you’re tight on space, many bed frames also come with built-in storage drawers. Of course, a common type of bed frame is a box spring. Box springs are rigid wooden frames with a large spring grid in the center. They provide structural support around the edge of the mattress which helps protect its quality. Traditional innerspring mattresses may need a box spring frame, but memory foam or latex mattresses do not.

Bedsheet Sets

Always have more than one bedsheet set. Rather than wasting your money and time on copious amounts of laundry, buy a few bedsheet sets. Most people have closets lined with linens of spare sheets and blankets to avoid additional loads of laundry. When you sleep, sweat, dirt, and natural oils seep onto the sheets. Not only are you sleeping in your own sweat and grime which can cause acne, excess moisture seeps into the mattress which can grow mold. Save yourself the hassle and invest in a few bedsheet sets. Also, seasons change. Higher temperatures in the spring and summer require breathable sheets, whereas fall and winter require heavier down comforters. It doesn’t matter if you purchase weighted blankets, cooling bedsheets or pillowcases, or heavyset comforters; everyone should have at least two bedsheet sets on hand for the summer and winter. Adapt your preferences to your sleep style.

Bed Rails

One of the top six mattress accessories that everyone needs is a bed railing. Bed railings are attachable rails to the bed frame. They slip between the mattress and the frame to prevent nighttime falls. Bed rails are perfect for young children, sleepwalkers, or those who toss and turn in their sleep. Basically, they’re meant to prevent someone from falling out of bed. Therefore, bed rails are a necessary safety feature. Although typically found in hospitals or college dorms, consider adding bed rails in your home. If you have a bunk bed for young children, add them to the top bunk to prevent serious injury. Further, they’re adaptable for permanent or temporary fixtures. Although perfect for small children, bed rails can benefit sleepwalkers, people with sleep disorders, or those with physical disabilities to prevent any serious harm from falling out of bed.


Last but not least, add some pillows. Not all pillows are the same. Finding the right pillow to match your mattress and sleep style is a delicate process. With so many pillows to choose from, you may feel overwhelmed at your choices. You may opt for firm pillows, soft pillows, down pillows, memory foam pillows, cotton pillows, or more. When selecting the right pillow for your bed, choose something that will provide a quality night’s sleep. It should support your head and neck without aches or pains. Part of this also depends on your sleep style. Side sleepers may need a firmer, thicker pillow, whereas back sleepers may need a flatter, softer pillow. Stomach sleepers may need no pillow at all. Pair your pillow to your mattress. Soft pillows pair best with firmer mattress, and vice versa.

With all that said, mattress accessories do no good if you don’t have the right mattress. At Super Mattress Shop, we’ve got your back. If you’re looking for a discount mattress in Fayetteville, NC, we’ve got many options for you to choose from. Not to mention, we offer delivery within 50 miles of our stores for a low flat $75 fee. With our large selection of king, queen, full, and twin-sized mattresses, there’s no better place to find an affordable mattress to get you a good night’s sleep than at Super Mattress Shop.

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