Pros and Cons of Letting a Pet Sleep in Your Bed

Pros and Cons of Letting a Pet Sleep in Your Bed

There are many reasons to own a pet. They’re friendly, comforting, and encourage new responsibilities for owners. While it’s tempting to let your feline or canine sleep next to you, keep in mind there may be some drawbacks. Read this guide on the pros and cons of letting a pet sleep in your bed to learn more.

Pro: Social Bonding

Perhaps the most important part of snuggling up to your cat or dog in bed is that it promotes social bonding between you and your pet. Like sleeping with a newborn, letting your pet sleep with you increases its loyalty. Your pet knows when it’s bedtime, and joining you encourages increased social bonding for your pet to recognize its owner. It’ll be more obedient, responsive, and nice when interacting with you during the day.

Pro: Safety

This may target dog owners more than other pet owners, but sleeping with a pet also encourages a new level of safety. Even if your dog isn’t necessarily a “guard dog,” having one close brings a new sense of security. It discourages thieves and intruders. This effect isn’t limited to dogs, though. Cats can detect smoke and fires and can alert you if they arise during the night. Animals bring a newfound level of safety you may not get by yourself.

Con: Unsanitary

Of course, sleeping with an animal has its drawbacks. Primarily, it can be unsanitary. Pets are notorious germ collectors. Even if you regularly clean your feline or canine companion, there’s no guarantee they’ll stay free of germs. For instance, dogs can attract fleas and parasites, which can further affect you as well. Not to mention, dirt, debris, and things like dander and saliva cause you to do more cleaning and maintenance. You may need to replace your previous bedding faster as a result.

Con: Unhealthy Sleep Patterns

Another consideration for the pros and cons of letting a pet sleep in your bed is that it can cause unhealthy sleep patterns. This largely depends on your pet’s behavior. Some dogs are well behaved and sleep soundly through the night. However, thunder, fireworks, or other neighborhood dogs can awaken your canine and cause them to stir or howl. This negatively impacts your sleep throughout the night. Cats are also crepuscular creatures, meaning they’re active primarily during twilight. While you may want to sleep during this time, your cat will likely wake you up to feed them.

Consider these pros and cons before you let your pet sleep next to you. Still, if you need a new mattress because your pet stained or ruined your previous one, you’re in luck. Super Mattress Shop has cheap mattresses in Fayetteville, NC. We sell king-, queen-, full-, and twin-sized new mattresses at amazingly low rates. If you can’t pick up your mattress, we’ll deliver it within a 50-mile radius for a low flat fee of 75 dollars. Order your next mattress today that both you and your furry friend will enjoy.


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