The Benefits of Getting Eight Hours of Sleep Each Night

The Benefits of Getting Eight Hours of Sleep Each Night

Sleep is a natural response when your body gets tired. A good night’s rest ensures you’re ready for the next day ahead. However, with electronics, stress, and other behaviors interrupting sleep cycles, getting a good night’s sleep is becoming harder to achieve. Don’t neglect this, however. Here are some of the benefits of getting eight hours of sleep each night and how they affect your body.

Strengthen Your Immune System

One of the most important benefits of getting quality sleep is that it strengthens your immune system. Your body uses its immune system to fight off infectious diseases, like the common cold, flu, or stomach bug. If you fail to sleep an adequate number of hours, your body must work twice as hard to fight off these diseases, which can leave you immunocompromised.

Regulate Hormones

Sleeping also regulates your hormones. As you sleep, your body releases a hormone called leptin, which regulates weight control. Leptin impacts food intake, energy consumption, and hunger. Improper sleep interrupts the natural release of this hormone, which leads to junk food cravings, late-night snacking, and overeating. Not sleeping enough also leaves you tired throughout the day, impacting your ability to exercise and burn off excess calories.

Reduce Stress

Everyone knows someone who gets cranky when they don’t sleep. You may be that person yourself. As simple as it sounds, one of the benefits of getting eight hours of sleep each night is that it reduces stress, which further improves your mood. When you’re tired, you’re angry, crass, and short tempered. The wrong thing can easily ruin your day and affect your mood. Do yourself a favor and sleep. No one wants to deal with you when you’re crabby nor do you want to walk around feeling irritable throughout the day.

Improve Decision Making

Finally, sleeping eight hours improves your productivity and decision making. When you sleep as long as you’re supposed to, you have greater concentration, cognition, and productivity than when you’re tired. This helps you excel at work and finish more projects than if you’re nodding off. Alternatively, sleeping too little can have deadly consequences. More automobile and workplace accidents happen due to stress and exhaustion. Don’t risk it; sleep the hours you need.

Still, part of a good night’s sleep is having the right mattress on your bed. Most mattresses are expensive, and finding the right one is a challenge. Fortunately, Super Mattress Store is your go-to mattress shop with everything you need for a good night’s rest. Our discount mattresses in NC fit any budget and lifestyle, so there’s no reason you can’t find one today.


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